Mit einem breit angelegten Leistungsportfolio bedienen KOCKS INGENIEURE vielfältige Anforderungen öffentlicher Auftraggeber, international finanzierter Projekte der Technischen und Finanziellen Zusammenarbeit und zahlreicher Industrie- und Privatkunden.
KOCKS INGENIEURE entwickeln und planen mit ihrer Expertise in den Bereichen Industrie, Tragwerksplanung, Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, Verkehr, Erschließung, Stadt & Raum, Elektrotechnik, Wasser, Infrastruktur, Umwelt & Abfall & Energie gemeinsam mit den Kunden maßgeschneiderte Gesamtlösungen für deren spezifische Aufgabenstellungen.
Die Realisierungsphase betreuen wir mit erfahrenen Kollegen aus den Bereichen Bauüberwachung, Projektsteuerung sowie Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutz-Koordination (SiGeKo). Die interdisziplinären Teams übernehmen auch nach Fertigstellung der Bauwerke kundenorientierte Dienstleistungen, wie z. B. Betreuung von Wartungsaufgaben, Trainingsmaßnahmen oder Dokumentationsleistungen. Mit der eindeutigen Zuordnung der Projektverantwortlichkeit über die gesamte Laufzeit und einer hohen Flexibilität, auch unter Termindruck positiv auf Änderungen zu reagieren, haben wir uns branchenweit eine hohe Wertschätzung erarbeitet.
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt in der hohen individuellen Kompetenz und Professionalität unserer Projektleiter, genauso wie in der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit qualitätsbewusster Teams, die unseren Kunden als Partner über die gesamte Projektdauer zur Verfügung stehen.
Main inspection of the Wetzlar elevated road bridge on the motorway B 49
Main bridge inspection in accordance with DIN 1076 of the city centre bridge in the course of the four-lane motorway B 49 over a length of approx. 950 m. The structure was built in the 1980’s using prestressed concrete and crosses several railway tracks, intersections, large car parks and the river Dill.
New firefighting station in Sinzig
New firefighting station for the voluntary fire brigade of the town of Sinzig. Design of the vehicle hall for eight vehicles, washing hall, hose tower, shower and changing rooms, offices, recreation rooms, operations centre, meeting and training rooms. Power installations, telecommunications and information technology systems. Planning of the technical phases for heat supply via an air/water heat pump and gas condensing boiler for peak load coverage. Design of ventilation, cooling, sanitation and compressed air supply.
Radeberger Brewery Frankfurt/Main: Modernisation of the electrical engineering and heating/ventilation/sanitation facilities in the craftsman’s house
Gutting and clearance of the premises, fire protection partitioning of the ground floor and basement. Design and installation supervision of low-voltage switchgear, low-voltage installation systems, lighting systems, lightning protection and earthing system, public address system, fire alarm system, heat supply systems/district heating, sanitary and ventilation systems.
Extension of the existing “Rhein-Zeitung” printing plant
Extension of the buildings for production and postal logistics, including office and social rooms. Design and installation supervision of: three gas condensing boilers with 500 kW heat output each; sanitary facilities; compressed air supply; reverse osmosis system (demineralised water); ventilation technology for both halls with a total air volume flow of 160,000 m³/h, rotary heat exchanger, full air conditioning system, steam humidifier.
Main inspection and new construction of the Dausenau bridge
Main structural inspection of a three-span, approx. 115-year-old concrete bridge in Dausenau (river Lahn), which connects the neighborhood on the hillside across two tracks. Due to the poor condition of the structure, the road bridge over the railway tracks will be replaced by a concrete slab construction on sheet pile abutments.
Construction of a new production plant for the chemical industry, Cologne
Construction of a new production building in steel and solid construction. Construction of tank foundations in reinforced concrete retention basins and of various pipe bridges in steel construction.
Deep pile foundation over a peat bog
Construction of an overpass of the L 354n road over the river Niers near Mönchengladbach. In the area of a peat bog. The ramps have to be founded on driven piles in a grid of approx. 2 x 2 metres with a pile length of 8 metres. The bridge itself is founded as a single-span structure on in-situ concrete piles.
New construction of finishing plant, Andernach
New construction of a steel hall (L / W / H = approx. 300 / 35 / up to 30 m) with crane operations (6 cranes up to 35 tons) for a tinplate finishing plant for the packaging industry, including several connecting structures. Construction of a media trough to house the production technology and of a switching house for the power supply, both in solid construction. New construction of the outdoor traffic areas.
New underpass for a works road under the L 315 near Berod
Construction of an underpass for a works road under the L 315. Via this underpass mineral raw materials can be transported between extraction and processing without crossing public roads, thus contributing to road safety and more efficient material transport. Construction of the structure as a reinforced concrete slab on tangential in-situ concrete piles.
Installation of a hot forming press
Installation of a hot forming press in the existing press shop. Dismantling of the existing systems and components. Preparation of a new substructure for press support and new construction and restauration of ceilings. Provision of the media and electrical supply.
Construction supervision for the installation of new cable trays as part of the construction of the Riederwald Tunnel
Construction of cable conduit systems to accommodate cables of the 0.4-30 kV network as well as 110 kV high-voltage cables, including the sectional laying of pipelines of the drinking water and gas supply network. Pressing of protective pipes under railway tracks and soil preparation with subsequent liquid soil installation. Supervision of liquid soil installation by a certified quality assurance officer. Liquid soil according to RAL quality mark 507.
Cable renewal Frankfurt-Ginnheim
Renewal of the low and medium-voltage grid with a total length of around 10 km in a district in Frankfurt-Ginnheim.
Project and development plan no. 318 for the “Fährhaus” hotel on the banks of the Moselle, Koblenz
Creation of the legal basis for the conversion and extension of the hotel “Fährhaus” into a modern hotel with 47 rooms / suites and a restaurant with an adjoining conference and wellness area.
Azerbaijan Highway III Programme
Internationally financed new construction of a four-lane motorway section between Baku and the Iranian border over approx. 50 km, including the country’s largest arch bridge with a free span of 150 m over the River Kura.
Rehabilitation of railway line between Baku and Russian border, Azerbaijan
Renewal of the double track system on the railway line between Yalama and Sumgait over a length of approx. 167 km, north-south corridor, Azerbaijan. Construction supervision and project management consulting in consortium with the engineering company “SSF Ingenieure”.
Modernisation of the railway line from Kovel via Yahodyn to the Polish border
Modernisation of approx. 60 km of railway line with different track gauges in order to achieve a better connection of the Ukrainian rail network to the European Union.
Upgrading of the Trans European Road Network, Malta
EU-funded modernisation of the road network in Malta and Gozo. Five construction lots with a total length of 9.8 km including a tunnel in Valetta.
Upgrading of Canouan Island Airport, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Caribbean
Upgrading of the runway to make the tourist airport on the island jet-capable. Extension of the runway to 1,070 metres by reclamation of land into the sea. Construction of the new lighting system and tower.
Rehabilitation and modernisation of Mazar i Sharif Airport, Afghanistan
Upgrading of the airport in Mazar i Sharif, Afghanistan. Rehabilitation of the old runway (total length 3,160 metres) including the associated drainage system, ILS and lighting system. Land-side development and expansion of the civilian area including terminal, office and administration buildings, drinking water treatment and supply. Upgrading of the airside facilities with apron extension, remodelling of the existing runway. Construction of the new tower cockpit including technical equipment. Supervision of the installation of the MLAT approach system.
Renewal of the city centre motorway B 49 as part of the construction of the new Pfaffendorfer Bridge, Koblenz
Renewal of the existing Rhine bridge including foreland structures and traffic facilities over a total length of approx. 550 metres.
Determination of the route for the A 553 Rhine motorway link
Investigation of variants for the planned new construction of the A 553 Rhine corridor between the motorways A 555 and A 59 north of Bonn, taking into account the associated junctions and motorway interchanges. Sensitivity analysis for variant selection for 12 identified variants. Support to the client and explanation of the variants in the context of public participation.
Upgrading of Wiesbaden motorway junction
Road and intersection design for the upgrading of the motorway junction Wiesbaden A 3 / A 66. In addition, adaptation of the adjoining sections of road and inclusion of two junctions to increase capacity as part of the elimination of bottlenecks in accordance with the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan 2030.
Drinking water pipeline Hochwald
Construction of a 6.8 km long DN 300 drinking water pipeline and a pressure booster station.
Leachate treatment plant at Muertendall landfill, Luxembourg
Establishment of the biological leachate treatment plant with downstream activated carbon adsorption at the Muertendall landfill site in Luxembourg. Volume reduction of the bioreactors by using an ultrafiltration system with residue-free discharge and corresponding relief of the downstream activated carbon adsorption.
Regional Waste Treatment Plant North in R. Vandhoo, Maldives
Design, tendering and construction supervision of the waste treatment plant Vandhoo, consisting of a reception area with a small docking port, a waste incineration plant (60 tonnes/day), an ash landfill (1 ha) including evaporation basin and rainwater drainage, an infrastructure with administration building and control office at the port, as well as roofing for vehicles and waste storage.
Maliq landfill, south-east Albania
Regional waste management system for the Korca region with approx. 320,000 inhabitants (60% urban and 40% rural population) in south-east Albania. Construction of a landfill, installation of transfer stations and introduction of a waste collection and transport system. Measures to improve and develop the primary collection, composting and recycling of household waste from the region’s towns and municipalities.
Environmental and social impact monitoring in pipeline construction, Caucasus
New construction of the oil pipeline between the Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan) and Rustavi (Georgia).
Upgrading of the B 256 federal road near Plaidt – Expert report on nature and species conservation
Needs-based upgrading of the existing two-lane road B 256 in the Plaidt area (Mayen-Koblenz district) to double the width with four lanes. Accompanying landscape conservation plan, faunistic studies, expert report on species protection to determine the impact on particularly and strictly protected animal and plant species, EIA report in accordance with § 16 of the Act on the Modernisation of Environmental Impact Assessment Law.
BP Nr. 329 – Gewerbegebiet “Bubenheimer Berg”
Die 20 ha große Bundesliegenschaft soll in ein Gewerbegebiet umgewandelt werden. Die geplante bauliche Nutzung dient somit dem Planungsziel der „Innenentwicklung“, da die Wiedernutzbarmachung von Flächen eines „Konversionsstandortes“ vorgesehen wird. Alle im Bebauungsplan verfolgten Teilfunktionen des Plangebiets stellen eine nachhaltige städtebauliche Entwicklung dar. In einem erheblichen Anteil des Plangebiets sollen bauliche Anlagen zurückgebaut und für Ausgleichsflächen umgewandelt werden. Weitere rund 5 ha sollen im Norden des Plangebiets als Freiflächen erhalten und entwickelt werden, weitere rund 4 ha Waldflächen des Plangebiets bleiben erhalten.
Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeitsstudie für den Ausbau der Zufahrtsstraße zum Kidunda Staudamm in Tansania
Verbesserung der Wasser- und Energieversorgung Tansanias durch den Kidunda Staudamm am Fluss Ruvu. Ausbau der Sandpiste zu einer befestigten Landstraße, um den Damm auch in der Regenzeit erreichen zu können. Begleitende Maßnahme: Erstellung einer umfassenden Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeitsstudie zum Schutz von Natur, Landschaft und ansässiger ländlicher Bevölkerung vor etwaigen negativen Auswirkungen des Entwicklungsvorhabens.