Reconstruction and expansion of the wastewater treatment plant Haiger

Expansion of the wastewater treatment plant capacity to 35,200 PE by building a new two-stage activated sludge tank and converting the existing activated sludge tank into a four-stage secondary clarifying tank. Upgrading option for the addition of a 4th treatment stage for the elimination of micro-pollutants and conversion to anaerobic sludge stabilization.

City of Haiger

Design; construction supervision; technical equipment and electrical measurement and control facilities.

Reconstruction and expansion of the wastewater treatment plant Rodenbach

Expansion of the wastewater treatment plant from 16,000 PE to a final expansion stage of 18,000 PE. Construction of a new primary clarifying tank, including primary sludge pumping station, digestion tower, combined heat and power plant and gas storage tank. In addition, expansion and upgrading of the grit chamber and the aeration tank.

Municipality of Rodenbach
Design of civil engineering structures, structural design, technical equipment, local construction supervision.

BIM design: Upgrading of the federal motorway section A3 Nittendorf – Regensburg

Extension to six-lanes of the A3 motorway section between the junction Nittendorf and the motorway junction Regensburg over a length of 13 km with 18 intersection structures including the 930 m long Danube bridge in Sinzing. The planning process is being optimised for the fastest possible implementation of the replacement construction of the Danube bridge.

Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes (The federal motorway company, Southern Bavaria branch, Regensburg office)

Design for roads and three rainwater treatment plants; noise analysis; air pollution analysis according to RLUS; BIM as-built model; BIM design model.