Landfill Development

Leachate treatment plant at Muertendall landfill, Luxembourg

Bilder 1 Images

Establishment of the biological leachate treatment plant with downstream activated carbon adsorption at the Muertendall landfill site in Luxembourg. Volume reduction of the bioreactors by using an ultrafiltration system with residue-free discharge and corresponding relief of the downstream activated carbon adsorption.

SIGRE - Intercommunal syndicate for waste management in the regions Grevenmacher, Remich and Echternach, Luxembourg
Project Manager
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Kistenmacher

Design of civil engineering structures for process engineering; machinery equipment, electrical measurement and control facilities, heating and ventilation facilities; structural design; health and safety coordination in accordance with construction site regulations.

Technical Information

Suchkriterien: Entwässerung; Deponie; Sickerwasserreinigung; Entwurfsplanung; Bauüberwachung

Zulauffracht: CSB: 232 kg/d – Nges: 50 kg/d; Zulaufmenge: Qmittel: 73 m³/d; Qmax: 145 m³/d