Waste Management

Regional Waste Treatment Plant North in R. Vandhoo, Maldives

Bilder 1 Images

Design, tendering and construction supervision of the waste treatment plant Vandhoo, consisting of a reception area with a small docking port, a waste incineration plant (60 tonnes/day), an ash landfill (1 ha) including evaporation basin and rainwater drainage, an infrastructure with administration building and control office at the port, as well as roofing for vehicles and waste storage.

Ministry of Housing and Environment, Republic of Maldives
Project Manager
Dipl.-Ing. Chakir Kasdarli

Design; tender documents (FIDIC Red Book and FIDIC Yellow Book); construction supervision; project management.

Technical Information

Ausbaugröße: Abfallmengen (2032): 70 t/Tag; Abfallanlieferung auf dem Gelände: 40 t/Tag; Müllverbrennung: 30 t/Tag; Einzugsgebiet: ca. 47.000 Einwohner; Flächen: Gesamtfläche Areal: 15 ha; Fläche erster Bauabschnitt Deponie: 3 ha