Outlet channel at the main sewage treatment plant in Wiesbaden
Renewal of the outlet sewer from the main sewage treatment plant to the outlet structure into the Rhine over a length of approx. 2,400 metres with a diameter of DN 1200.
Mit einem breit angelegten Leistungsportfolio bedienen KOCKS INGENIEURE vielfältige Anforderungen öffentlicher Auftraggeber, international finanzierter Projekte der Technischen und Finanziellen Zusammenarbeit und zahlreicher Industrie- und Privatkunden.
KOCKS INGENIEURE entwickeln und planen mit ihrer Expertise in den Bereichen Industrie, Tragwerksplanung, Technische Gebäudeausrüstung, Verkehr, Erschließung, Stadt & Raum, Elektrotechnik, Wasser, Infrastruktur, Umwelt & Abfall & Energie gemeinsam mit den Kunden maßgeschneiderte Gesamtlösungen für deren spezifische Aufgabenstellungen.
Die Realisierungsphase betreuen wir mit erfahrenen Kollegen aus den Bereichen Bauüberwachung, Projektsteuerung sowie Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutz-Koordination (SiGeKo). Die interdisziplinären Teams übernehmen auch nach Fertigstellung der Bauwerke kundenorientierte Dienstleistungen, wie z. B. Betreuung von Wartungsaufgaben, Trainingsmaßnahmen oder Dokumentationsleistungen. Mit der eindeutigen Zuordnung der Projektverantwortlichkeit über die gesamte Laufzeit und einer hohen Flexibilität, auch unter Termindruck positiv auf Änderungen zu reagieren, haben wir uns branchenweit eine hohe Wertschätzung erarbeitet.
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt in der hohen individuellen Kompetenz und Professionalität unserer Projektleiter, genauso wie in der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit qualitätsbewusster Teams, die unseren Kunden als Partner über die gesamte Projektdauer zur Verfügung stehen.
Renewal of the outlet sewer from the main sewage treatment plant to the outlet structure into the Rhine over a length of approx. 2,400 metres with a diameter of DN 1200.
Reorganisation of the entire supply and disposal infrastructure in the course of the construction of the Riederwald Tunnel and relocation of the pipeline south of the planned tunnel tube.
Increase in quality of life in Tiandong Province through improvement of the ecological status of the Youjiang River. Among other things, implementation of measures to optimise wastewater discharge and treatment.
Assessment of an existing river water pumping station for the extraction of Main water with regard to its future use as a service water pumping station for cooling data centres and the new service water network in the former Griesheim industrial park.
Conversion of the area of around 73 hectares, which has been used as a chemical industry site since 1856, into a mixed-use area with manufacturing industry, service companies, data centres and start-ups. The existing drinking water supply network was hydraulically analysed and designed in line with the new purposes. Redesign of the entire service water network with utilisation of the treated water from the river Main to irrigate the green areas.
Replacement of a drinking water pipe (DN 400 grey cast iron) in an existing steel pipe crossing under the suburban railway line. Additional laying of a gas pipeline (OD 200 high density polyethylene) and four empty conduits for the laying of media cables. Design of a new emergency shaft structure for the drinking water pipeline.
The Asian Development Bank is planning to finance the upgrading of the 56 km stretch of road between Baljuvon and Sari Khosor. Initiative to improve road infrastructure with easier access to tourist attractions.
Six-lane widening of the A 45 motorway including replacement of the Engelsbach viaduct and traffic-friendly conversion of the connection to the motorway A 480.
Noise abatement programme to reduce the noise impact on nearby residents. New carriageway superstructure with noise-reducing road surface over a length of 3.6 km and construction of noise barriers to achieve the noise abatement values. Updating of the entire drainage system.
Rehabilitation and conversion of a shop floor for container glass and new construction of a filter system. Renewal of the facade, construction of bored pile walls, media ducts, floor slabs, foundations and supports for production facilities. Foundations for filters, exhaust pipes and chimney. Structural strengthening measures on the existing building.
Development of a 10 ha building site in the town of Reichelsheim/Wetterau.
Durchführung von Straßenverkehrssicherheitsaudits vor, während und nach der Bauausführung zum Ausbau der CAREC Verkehrskorridore 2, 5 und 6. Auswertung von Unfalldaten und Entwicklung geeigneter Sicherheitsrichtlinien. Durchführung von Workshops zur Steigerung der Verkehrssicherheitskompetenz tadschiikischer Verkehrsexperten.
Expansion and modernisation of an existing Opel engine plant in Poland. Enlargement of the production area including adjacent buildings. Construction of new transport and outdoor areas. New construction of the portal building. New installation of the entire electrical and media supply.
Replacement construction of the 380 kV switchgear using alternative gas technology and installation of a 380 kV compensating reactor. New construction of GIS building, reactor foundations, portal foundations, individual foundations, traffic areas, outdoor facilities.
Construction of a liquid natural gas (LNG) terminal in Brunsbüttel. Preparation of the authorisation documents for the building structures in accordance with state building regulations. Preparation of the preliminary structural analysis for the dimensioning of the building structures. Preparation of a drainage concept.
Construction of a deep pit to accommodate the regenerative chamber for the glass melting furnace. Conversion of machine cellar and batch house. Design of the foundation for the new flue gas cleaning plant, including open spaces.
Conversion of the existing terrace slab production into a production facility for paving stones. Dismantling of the existing old production machinery and construction of the new production plant. Structural adaptations to existing facilities and planning of outdoor storage areas. Revision of the land use- and development plan. Obtainment of building applications with particular authorization to build in the drinking water protection area.
Conversion and new construction to expand the production area (65,000 m²) for the new engine production.
Rehabilitation and maintenance of the Bornheim sewer network. Supporting the client’s substance- and area-related rehabilitation strategy by viewing, analysing and documenting video inspections of examined sewers and manholes.
Relocation and rehabilitation of the over 100-year-old elliptical masonry sewer “Alter Bergsammler” at the University Hospital in Frankfurt. Relocation over a length of approx. 325 m using a circular profile (2.80 m internal diameter) by pipe jacking. Rehabilitation of significant damage over a length of approx. 170 m with GRP short pipes. Structural adaptation of existing media lines and infrastructure tunnels of the University Hospital.
Commercial land development concept for the expansion of the freight transport centre in Koblenz. Update of the reserve land register and preparatory study for the development measure according to § 165 of the Federal Building Code.
Conversion of a former industrial area into a residential area in an attractive location with a size of approx. 8 ha. New construction of approx. 2,000 m² outer development road and approx. 13,000 m² inner development roads; new construction of approx. 4,200 m rainwater and wastewater sewers; new construction of a stream pipe as a frame profile.
Feasibility study to improve the cycling network in the city of Koblenz. Investigation of 19 main cycle routes with a total length of approx. 90 km in the city area and revision of the main route concept including condition survey, action plan and prioritisation.
Reduction of traffic congestion between Troisdorf-Eschmar and Troisdorf-Sieglar through the construction of an approx. 4 km long bypass. Implementation in two construction phases of approx. 2 km each. Completion of the first construction phase in 2017, completion of the second construction phase in 2023.
New construction of the 4 km long bypass to relieve congestion on the through-road, including a new junction to the A 46 motorway and a car park. The overall project also includes several bridge structures, noise barriers, drainage facilities and a pumping station. The project will be realised in several construction phases.
Widening of the inter-regional trunk road south of Dushanbe from two to four lanes as part of the IFI-ADB-III financing package. Overall design and construction supervision of carriageway rehabilitation and new construction, installation of new safety facilities and capacity building of the client (Ministry of Transport Tajikistan) on road safety and road management.
Verkehrliche Ertüchtigung zwischen der Anschlussstelle Wißkirchen (BAB A 1) und der Ortsumgehung Mechernich-Roggendorf durch den Ausbau der B 266 auf knapp 2 km. Grundhafte Erneuerung der Bundesstraße auf 800 m und Ausbau östlich des Knotens B 266 / B 477 / Mechernicher Weg bis Lohmühle zur Herstellung des Lückenschlusses.
Multidisciplinary design of the new construction of the Rhine bridge Duisburg-Neuenkamp by the consortium Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner AG (Rhine bridge) and Kocks Consult GmbH (traffic system, drainage, noise protection) for DEGES. Construction of the upstream section of the structure in a temporary lateral position with subsequent transverse shifting. Design of the traffic facilities, including temporary traffic routing and construction site access. Design of the drainage including structural engineering.
Städtebauliche Neuordnung einer ca. 1,7 ha großen Fläche im Bereich des ehemaligen Soldatenschwimmbades, Koblenz-Horchheim. Planungsrechtliche Umsetzung im Rahmen der Bauleitplanung (B-Plan, Umweltbericht und FNP-Änderung) auf Basis eines kommunalen Auslobungsverfahrens. Erschließungsplanung für Entwässerung, versorgungstechnische Erschließung, Straßenbau und Lärmschutz.
Construction of a new noise barrier to protect the new “Horchheimer Gärten” residential development area near the motorway B 42 in Koblenz. A noise barrier with a height of up to 7 m was realised over a distance of approx. 300 m. The foundations were laid conventionally on bored piles. A pedestrian bridge over the B 42 was integrated into the wall.
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