International Trunk Roads and Highways

Upgrading of CAREC road corridor Dushanbe-Kurgonteppa, Tajikistan

Bilder 1 Images

Widening of the inter-regional trunk road south of Dushanbe from two to four lanes as part of the IFI-ADB-III financing package. Overall design and construction supervision of carriageway rehabilitation and new construction, installation of new safety facilities and capacity building of the client (Ministry of Transport Tajikistan) on road safety and road management.

Ministry of Transport Tajikistan
Project Manager
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Engländer

Contract supervision; project management; environmental monitoring; resettlement monitoring; road safety audits; financial management support to the client; detailed design for selected works of component 2.

Technical Information

km 33+475 – km 73+050, die 39,58 bestehende zweispurige Asphaltstraße (Kategorie III) wird saniert und zu einer vierspurigen Asphaltstraße (Kategorie I) umgebaut; Asphaltbelag; Anzahl der Durchlässe: 45; Typ der Durchlässe: Kasten- und Rohrdurchlässe; Unterführungen/Tierkreuzungen = 5 Stück; Anzahl der Brücken: 9