Measures for climate change adapted urban development in Barisal (Bangladesh), Phase I

The project is financed by KfW as part of the German financial cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh and implemented by the Barishal City Corporation. The joint venture between Kocks Consult GmbH, Germany, and BCL Ltd, Bangladesh, was commissioned by KfW on behalf of BCC to implement the project, which aims to alleviate flooding in the city, particularly in the central neighbourhoods and slum areas.
The city of Barishal, with an area of 58 m², is located on the banks of the Kirtankhola River in south-central Bangladesh, 106 km north of the Bay of Bengal. At only 1 m above sea level, the city is at high risk of flooding and cyclones, with the western parts of the city and its residents and businesses suffering the most damage. The overall goal of the project is to reduce vulnerability and strengthen adaptive capacity to the challenges of climate change, especially for the vulnerable populations in the city.
To achieve the project objectives, the following measures will be implemented:
- Climate change adaptation measures,
- Comprehensive flood mitigation measures.
The following components were selected for the first project phase:
- New construction and partial enlargement of stormwater sewers with a length of 22.7 km. Hydrodynamic sewer network calculations taking into account tidal influences of up to 1 m in Barishal;
- Renewal and raising of low-lying roads over a length of 2.8 km;
- Deepening and dredging of the Sagardi canal to increase the storage volume of the existing water bodies over a length of 7.1 km and construction of cycle paths and footpaths along the canal, including a new footbridge;
- Raising the land in the low-lying area of Kala Potty Slum and improving the basic infrastructure (water supply, drainage and paths). Involvement of the residents of the area through community contracting for the flood-related structural elevation or new construction of the houses.