River Protection and Renaturation

Dismantling of a dam in the course of the creek Wörsbach below the village of Werschau

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An existing dam in the course of the Wörsbach stream, below the village of Werschau, is to be dismantled. In addition to the approval documents under water law, approval documents under nature conservation law are also required. A specialist nature conservation report therefore had to be prepared. The possible effects of the planned measure on nature and the landscape were explained. In particular, information and descriptions were provided regarding the timing, duration (in the landscape) and areas (m²) affected, including construction site facilities. In this context, avoidance, minimization and, if necessary, compensatory measures were also planned and presented.

Municipality of Brechen
Project Manager
Dipl.-Ing. Maria Mockenhaupt

Nature conservation report and planning approval document in accordance with the Water Resources Act.