District Heating Supply

District heating pipeline

Bilder 1 Images

Construction of a new district heating pipeline between various combined heat and power plants in Frankfurt with a total length of approx. 2.5 km. Crossing of the river Main with a DN 2500 culvert at a depth of 20 m and crossing of the track apron of Frankfurt Central Station with a total of 32 tracks, both by pipe jacking. Furthermore, the construction of special foundations, pipe bridges and special constructions was necessary.

Netzdienste Rhein-Main GmbH
Project Manager
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Brinkmann; Dipl.-Ing. Amel Kurtovic

Design and construction supervision of engineering structures; technical equipment; structural design and preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment.

Technical Information

Bauüberwachung für die Verbundtrasse für den Ingenieurbau, Länge ca. 300 m Rohrvortrieb DN 2500 unter dem Main, Tiefe Baugruben und Bauwerke rd. 20 m und 200 m Rohrvortrieb DN 2500 unter 32 Gleisen, Tiefe Bauwerke und Baugruben rd.10 m.